If at MSK, using the JUNO cluster having installed toil version 3.19 and manually modifying lsf.py by removing type==X86_64 && you can use the following command
perl vcf2maf.pl --help
perl vcf2maf.pl --input-vcf input.vcf --output-maf output.maf --tumor-id TUMOR_ID --normal-id NORMAL_ID
--input-vcf Path to input file in VCF format
--output-maf Path to output MAF file
--tmp-dir Folder to retain intermediate VCFs after runtime [Default: Folder containing input VCF]
--tumor-id Tumor_Sample_Barcode to report in the MAF [TUMOR]
--normal-id Matched_Norm_Sample_Barcode to report in the MAF [NORMAL]
--vcf-tumor-id Tumor sample ID used in VCF's genotype columns [--tumor-id]
--vcf-normal-id Matched normal ID used in VCF's genotype columns [--normal-id]
--custom-enst List of custom ENST IDs that override canonical selection
--vep-path Folder containing the vep script [~/miniconda3/bin]
--vep-data VEP's base cache/plugin directory [~/.vep]
--vep-forks Number of forked processes to use when running VEP [4]
--vep-custom String to pass into VEP's --custom option []
--vep-config Config file to pass into VEP's --config option []
--vep-overwrite Allow VEP to overwrite output VCF if it exists
--buffer-size Number of variants VEP loads at a time; Reduce this for low memory systems [5000]
--any-allele When reporting co-located variants, allow mismatched variant alleles too
--inhibit-vep Skip running VEP, but extract VEP annotation in VCF if found
--online Use useastdb.ensembl.org instead of local cache (supports only GRCh38 VCFs listing <100 events)
--ref-fasta Reference FASTA file [~/.vep/homo_sapiens/102_GRCh37/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.dna.toplevel.fa.gz]
--max-subpop-af Add FILTER tag common_variant if gnomAD reports any subpopulation AFs greater than this [0.0004]
--species Ensembl-friendly name of species (e.g. mus_musculus for mouse) [homo_sapiens]
--ncbi-build NCBI reference assembly of variants MAF (e.g. GRCm38 for mouse) [GRCh37]
--cache-version Version of offline cache to use with VEP (e.g. 75, 91, 102) [Default: Installed version]
--maf-center Variant calling center to report in MAF [.]
--retain-info Comma-delimited names of INFO fields to retain as extra columns in MAF []
--retain-fmt Comma-delimited names of FORMAT fields to retain as extra columns in MAF []
--retain-ann Comma-delimited names of annotations (within the VEP CSQ/ANN) to retain as extra columns in MAF []
--min-hom-vaf If GT undefined in VCF, minimum allele fraction to call a variant homozygous [0.7]
--remap-chain Chain file to remap variants to a different assembly before running VEP
--verbose Print more things to log progress
--help Print a brief help message and quit
--man Print the detailed manual