MuTect 1.1.5

Version of tools in docker image (/container/Dockerfile)


openjdk:7 base image






  • CWL specification 1.0

  • Use example_inputs.yaml to see the inputs to the cwl

  • Example Command using toil:

    > toil-cwl-runner mutect_1.1.5.cwl example_inputs.yaml

If at MSK, using the JUNO cluster you can use the following command

> cwltool --singularity --non-strict /path/to/mutect_1.1.5.cwl /path/to/inputs.yaml

#Using toil-cwl-runner
> mkdir mutect_toil_log
> toil-cwl-runner --singularity --logFile /path/to/mutect_toil_log/cwltoil.log  --jobStore /path/to/mutect_jobStore --batchSystem lsf --workDir /path/to/mutect_toil_log --outdir . --writeLogs /path/to/mutect_toil_log --logLevel DEBUG --stats --retryCount 2 --disableCaching --maxLogFileSize 20000000000 /path/to/mutect_1.1.5.cwl /path/to/inputs.yaml > mutect_toil.stdout 2> mutect_toil.stderr &


usage: toil-cwl-runner mutect_1.1.5.cwl [-h]

positional arguments:
  job_order             Job input json file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --BQSR BQSR           The input covariates table file which enables on-the-
                        fly base quality score recalibration
  --absolute_copy_number_data ABSOLUTE_COPY_NUMBER_DATA
                        Absolute Copy Number Data, as defined by Absolute, to
                        use in power calculations
  --arg_file ARG_FILE   Reads arguments from the specified file
  --bam_tumor_sample_name BAM_TUMOR_SAMPLE_NAME
                        if the tumor bam contains multiple samples, only use
                        read groups with SM equal to this value
  --baq BAQ             Type of BAQ calculation to apply in the engine
                        BAQ gap open penalty (Phred Scaled). Default value is
                        40. 30 is perhaps better for whole genome call sets
  --clipping_bias_pvalue_threshold CLIPPING_BIAS_PVALUE_THRESHOLD
                        pvalue threshold for fishers exact test of clipping
                        bias in mutant reads vs ref reads
  --cosmic COSMIC       VCF file of COSMIC sites
  --coverage_20_q20_file COVERAGE_20_Q20_FILE
                        write out 20x of Q20 coverage in WIGGLE format to this
  --coverage_file COVERAGE_FILE
                        write out coverage in WIGGLE format to this file
  --dbsnp DBSNP         VCF file of DBSNP information
  --dbsnp_normal_lod DBSNP_NORMAL_LOD
                        LOD threshold for calling normal non-variant at dbsnp
  --defaultBaseQualities DEFAULTBASEQUALITIES
                        If reads are missing some or all base quality scores,
                        this value will be used for all base quality scores
                        Completely eliminates randomization from
                        nondeterministic methods. To be used mostly in the
                        testing framework where dynamic parallelism can result
                        in differing numbers of calls to the generator.
                        If true, disables printing of base insertion and base
                        deletion tags (with -BQSR)
  --downsample_to_coverage DOWNSAMPLE_TO_COVERAGE
                        Target coverage threshold for downsampling to coverage
  --downsampling_type DOWNSAMPLING_TYPE
                        Type of reads downsampling to employ at a given locus.
                        Reads will be selected randomly to be removed from the
                        pile based on the method described here
                        (NONE|ALL_READS| BY_SAMPLE) given locus; note that
                        downsampled reads are randomly selected from all
                        possible reads at a locus
                        If true, enables printing of the OQ tag with the
                        original base qualities (with -BQSR)
  --excludeIntervals EXCLUDEINTERVALS
                        One or more genomic intervals to exclude from
                        processing. Can be explicitly specified on the command
                        line or in a file (including a rod file)
                        if a read has mismatching number of bases and base
                        qualities, filter out the read instead of blowing up.
  --force_alleles       force output for all alleles at each site
  --force_output        force output for each site
  --fraction_contamination FRACTION_CONTAMINATION
                        estimate of fraction (0-1) of physical contamination
                        with other unrelated samples
  --fraction_mapq0_threshold FRACTION_MAPQ0_THRESHOLD
                        threshold for determining if there is relatedness
                        between the alt and ref allele read piles
  --gap_events_threshold GAP_EVENTS_THRESHOLD
                        how many gapped events (ins/del) are allowed in
                        proximity to this candidate
  --gatk_key GATK_KEY   GATK Key file. Required if running with -et NO_ET.
                        Please see -phone-home-and-how-does-it-affect-
                        me#latest for details.
  --heavily_clipped_read_fraction HEAVILY_CLIPPED_READ_FRACTION
                        if this fraction or more of the bases in a read are
                        soft/hard clipped, do not use this read for mutation
  --initial_tumor_lod INITIAL_TUMOR_LOD
                        Initial LOD threshold for calling tumor variant
  --input_file_normal INPUT_FILE_NORMAL
                        SAM or BAM file(s)
  --input_file_tumor INPUT_FILE_TUMOR
                        SAM or BAM file(s)
  --interval_merging INTERVAL_MERGING
                        Indicates the interval merging rule we should use for
                        abutting intervals (ALL| OVERLAPPING_ONLY)
  --interval_padding INTERVAL_PADDING
                        Indicates how many basepairs of padding to include
                        around each of the intervals specified with the -L/
  --interval_set_rule INTERVAL_SET_RULE
                        Indicates the set merging approach the interval parser
                        should use to combine the various -L or -XL inputs
                        (UNION| INTERSECTION)
  --java_7 JAVA_7
                        Should we override the Walkers default and keep
                        program records from the SAM header
  --log_to_file LOG_TO_FILE
                        Set the logging location
  --logging_level LOGGING_LEVEL
                        Set the minimum level of logging, i.e. setting INFO
                        gets you INFO up to FATAL, setting ERROR gets you
                        ERROR and FATAL level logging.
  --maxRuntime MAXRUNTIME
                        If provided, that GATK will stop execution cleanly as
                        soon after maxRuntime has been exceeded, truncating
                        the run but not exiting with a failure. By default the
                        value is interpreted in minutes, but this can be
                        changed by maxRuntimeUnits
  --maxRuntimeUnits MAXRUNTIMEUNITS
                        The TimeUnit for maxRuntime (NANOSECONDS|
  --max_alt_allele_in_normal_fraction MAX_ALT_ALLELE_IN_NORMAL_FRACTION
                        threshold for maximum alternate allele fraction in
  --max_alt_alleles_in_normal_count MAX_ALT_ALLELES_IN_NORMAL_COUNT
                        threshold for maximum alternate allele counts in
  --max_alt_alleles_in_normal_qscore_sum MAX_ALT_ALLELES_IN_NORMAL_QSCORE_SUM
                        threshold for maximum alternate allele quality score
                        sum in normal
  --min_qscore MIN_QSCORE
                        threshold for minimum base quality score
  --minimum_mutation_cell_fraction MINIMUM_MUTATION_CELL_FRACTION
                        minimum fraction of cells which are presumed to have a
                        mutation, used to handle non-clonality and
  --minimum_normal_allele_fraction MINIMUM_NORMAL_ALLELE_FRACTION
                        minimum allele fraction to be considered in normal,
                        useful for normal sample contaminated with tumor
                        Enable GATK threading efficiency monitoring
  --mutect MUTECT
                        Makes the GATK behave non deterministically, that is,
                        the random numbers generated will be different in
                        every run
  --noop                used for debugging, basically exit as soon as we get
                        the reads
  --normal_depth_file NORMAL_DEPTH_FILE
                        write out normal read depth in WIGGLE format to this
  --normal_lod NORMAL_LOD
                        LOD threshold for calling normal non-germline
  --normal_sample_name NORMAL_SAMPLE_NAME
                        name to use for normal in output files
  --num_bam_file_handles NUM_BAM_FILE_HANDLES
                        The total number of BAM file handles to keep open
  --num_cpu_threads_per_data_thread NUM_CPU_THREADS_PER_DATA_THREAD
                        How many CPU threads should be allocated per data
                        thread to running this analysis?
  --num_threads NUM_THREADS
                        How many data threads should be allocated to running
                        this analysis.
  --only_passing_calls  only emit passing calls
  --pedigree PEDIGREE   Pedigree files for samples
  --pedigreeString PEDIGREESTRING
                        Pedigree string for samples
  --pedigreeValidationType PEDIGREEVALIDATIONTYPE
                        How strict should we be in validating the pedigree
                        information? (STRICT|SILENT)
  --performanceLog PERFORMANCELOG
                        If provided, a GATK runtime performance log will be
                        written to this file
  --phone_home PHONE_HOME
                        What kind of GATK run report should we generate?
                        STANDARD is the default, can be NO_ET so nothing is
                        posted to the run repository. Please see -phone-home-
                        and-how-does-it-affect-me#latest for details.
  --pir_mad_threshold PIR_MAD_THRESHOLD
                        threshold for clustered read position artifact MAD
  --pir_median_threshold PIR_MEDIAN_THRESHOLD
                        threshold for clustered read position artifact median
  --power_constant_af POWER_CONSTANT_AF
                        Allelic fraction constant to use in power calculations
  --power_constant_qscore POWER_CONSTANT_QSCORE
                        Phred scale quality score constant to use in power
  --power_file POWER_FILE
                        write out power in WIGGLE format to this file
  --preserve_qscores_less_than PRESERVE_QSCORES_LESS_THAN
                        Bases with quality scores less than this threshold
                        wont be recalibrated (with -BQSR)
  --read_buffer_size READ_BUFFER_SIZE
                        Number of reads per SAM file to buffer in memory
  --read_filter READ_FILTER
                        Specify filtration criteria to apply to each read
  --read_group_black_list READ_GROUP_BLACK_LIST
                        Filters out read groups matching <TAG> -<STRING> or a
                        .txt file containing the filter strings one per line.
  --reference_sequence REFERENCE_SEQUENCE
                        Should we override the Walkers default and remove
                        program records from the SAM header
                        required minimum value for
                        tumor alt allele maximum mapping quality score
                        Power threshold for normal to
                        determine germline vs variant
  --tag TAG             Arbitrary tag string to identify this GATK run as part
                        of a group of runs, for later analysis
  --tumor_depth_file TUMOR_DEPTH_FILE
                        write out tumor read depth in WIGGLE format to this
  --tumor_f_pretest TUMOR_F_PRETEST
                        for computational efficiency, reject sites with
                        allelic fraction below this threshold
  --tumor_lod TUMOR_LOD
                        LOD threshold for calling tumor variant
  --tumor_sample_name TUMOR_SAMPLE_NAME
                        name to use for tumor in output files
  --unsafe UNSAFE       If set, enables unsafe operations - nothing will be
                        checked at runtime. For expert users only who know
                        what they are doing. We do not support usage of this
                        argument. (ALLOW_UNINDEXED_BAM|
                        If set, use the original base quality scores from the
                        OQ tag when present instead of the standard scores
  --validation_strictness VALIDATION_STRICTNESS
                        How strict should we be with validation
  --vcf VCF             VCF output of mutation candidates

Last updated