Copy > toil-cwl-runner sequence_qc_0.2.24.cwl example_inputs.yaml
Copy #Using CWLTOOL
> cwltool --singularity --non-strict /path/to/sequence_qc/0.2.24/sequence_qc_0.2.24.cwl /path/to/inputs.yaml
#Using toil-cwl-runner
> mkdir tool_toil_log
> toil-cwl-runner --singularity --logFile /path/to/tool_toil_log/cwltoil.log --jobStore /path/to/tool_jobStore --batchSystem lsf --workDir /path/to/tool_toil_log --outdir . --writeLogs /path/to/tool_toil_log --logLevel DEBUG --stats --retryCount 2 --disableCaching --maxLogFileSize 20000000000 /path/to/sequence_qc/0.2.24/sequence_qc_0.2.24.cwl /path/to/inputs.yaml > tool_toil.stdout 2> tool_toil.stderr &
Copy toil-cwl-runner sequence_qc_0.2.24.cwl -h
usage: sequence_qc_0.2.24.cwl [-h] --reference REFERENCE --bam_file BAM_FILE
--bed_file BED_FILE --sample_id SAMPLE_ID
[--threshold THRESHOLD] [--truncate TRUNCATE]
[--min_mapq MIN_MAPQ] [--min_basq MIN_BASQ]
positional arguments:
job_order Job input json file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--reference REFERENCE
Path to reference fasta, containing all regions in
--bam_file BAM_FILE Path to BAM file for calculating noise [required]
--bed_file BED_FILE Path to BED file containing regions over which to
calculate noise [required]
--sample_id SAMPLE_ID
Prefix to include in all output file names
--threshold THRESHOLD
Alt allele frequency past which to ignore positions
from the calculation.
--truncate TRUNCATE Whether to exclude trailing bases from reads that only
partially overlap the bed file (0 or 1 )
--min_mapq MIN_MAPQ Exclude reads with a lower mapping quality
--min_basq MIN_BASQ Exclude bases with a lower base quality