CWL and Docker for Running Octopus
CWL specification 1.0 Use example_input.yaml to see the inputs to the cwl Example Command using toil : toil-cwl-runner oncokb_annotator_3-2-2.cwl example_input.yaml
If at MSK, using the JUNO cluster having installed toil version 3.19 and manually modifying by removing type==X86_64 && you can use the following command
Copy cwltool --singularity --non-strict /path/to/oncokb_annotator_3-2-2.cwl /path/to/inputs.yaml
Copy mkdir oncokb_annotator_toil_log
toil-cwl-runner --singularity --logFile /path/to/oncokb_annotator_toil_log/cwltoil.log --jobStore /path/to/oncokb_annotator_jobStore --batchSystem lsf --workDir /path/to/oncokb_annotator_toil_log --outdir . --writeLogs /path/to/oncokb_annotator_annotator_toil_log --logLevel DEBUG --stats --retryCount 2 --disableCaching --maxLogFileSize 20000000000 /path/to/oncokb_annotator_3-2-2.cwl /path/to/inputs.yaml > oncokb_annotator_toil.stdout 2> oncokb_annotator_toil.stderr &
Copy usage: oncokb_annotator_3-2-2.cwl [-h] --inputMafFile INPUTMAFFILE --outputMafName OUTPUTMAFNAME
--apiToken APITOKEN [--previousResult PREVIOUSRESULT]
[--clinicalFile CLINICALFILE] [--tumorType TUMORTYPE]
[--referenceGenome REFERENCEGENOME] [--annotateHotspots]
positional arguments:
job_order Job input json file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
input maf file for annotation
--apiToken APITOKEN OncoKB API token
--previousResult PREVIOUSRESULT
--clinicalFile CLINICALFILE
Essential clinical columns: SAMPLE_ID: sample ID
ONCOTREE_CODE: tumor type code from oncotree
( )
--tumorType TUMORTYPE
Cancer type will be assigned based on the following
priority: 1 ) ONCOTREE_CODE in clinical data file 2)
ONCOTREE_CODE exist in MAF 3 ) default tumor type ( -t )
--referenceGenome REFERENCEGENOME
Reference Genome only allows the following
values(case-insensitive ): - GRCh37 GRCh38