MergeSamFiles v4.1.8.0
Version of tools in docker image
CWL specification 1.0
Use example_inputs.yaml to see the inputs to the cwl
Example Command using toil:
> toil-cwl-runner gatk_merge_sam_files_4.1.8.0.cwl example_inputs.yaml
usage: gatk_merge_sam_files_4.1.8.0.cwl [-h] [--memory_per_job MEMORY_PER_JOB]
[--memory_overhead MEMORY_OVERHEAD]
[--number_of_threads NUMBER_OF_THREADS]
--input INPUT
[--output_file_name OUTPUT_FILE_NAME]
[--assume_sorted] [--comment COMMENT]
[--create_index] [--create_md5_file]
[--intervals INTERVALS]
[--reference_sequence REFERENCE_SEQUENCE]
[--sort_order SORT_ORDER]
[--validation_stringency VALIDATION_STRINGENCY]
[--verbosity VERBOSITY]
positional arguments:
job_order Job input json file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--memory_per_job MEMORY_PER_JOB
Memory per job in megabytes
--memory_overhead MEMORY_OVERHEAD
Memory overhead per job in megabytes
--number_of_threads NUMBER_OF_THREADS
--input INPUT SAM or BAM input file This argument must be specified
at least once. Required.
--output_file_name OUTPUT_FILE_NAME
SAM or BAM file to write merged result to Required.
--assume_sorted If true, assume that the input files are in the same
sort order as the requested output sort order, even if
their headers say otherwise. Default value: false.
Possible values: {true, false}
--comment COMMENT Comment(s) to include in the merged output files
header. This argument may be specified 0 or more
times. Default value: null.
--create_index Whether to create a BAM index when writing a
coordinate-sorted BAM file. Default value: false.
Possible values: {true, false}
--create_md5_file Whether to create an MD5 digest for any BAM or FASTQ
files created. Default value: false. Possible values:
{true, false}
--intervals INTERVALS
An interval list file that contains the locations of
the positions to merge. Assume bam are sorted and
indexed. The resulting file will contain alignments
that may overlap with genomic regions outside the
requested region. Unmapped reads are discarded.
Default value: null.
Merge the sequence dictionaries Default value: false.
Possible values: {true, false}
--reference_sequence REFERENCE_SEQUENCE
Reference sequence file. Default value: null.
--sort_order SORT_ORDER
Sort order of output file Default value: coordinate.
Possible values: {unsorted, queryname, coordinate,
duplicate, unknown}
--use_threading Option to create a background thread to encode,
compress and write to disk the output file. The
threaded version uses about 20% more CPU and decreases
runtime by ~20% when writing out a compressed BAM
file. Default value: false. Possible values: {true,
--validation_stringency VALIDATION_STRINGENCY
Validation stringency for all SAM files read by this
program. Setting stringency to SILENT can improve
performance when processing a BAM file in which
variable-length data (read, qualities, tags) do not
otherwise need to be decoded. Default value: STRICT.
Possible values: {STRICT, LENIENT, SILENT}
--verbosity VERBOSITY
Control verbosity of logging. Default value: INFO.
Possible values: {ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG}
Last updated