Installation and Usage
If you have paired-end umi-tagged fastqs, you can run the ACCESS fastq to bam workflow with the following steps
Step 1: Create a virtual environment.
Option (A) - if using cwltool
If you are using cwltool only, please proceed using python 3.9 as done below:
Here we can use either virtualenv or conda. Here we will use conda.
Option (B) - recommended for Juno HPC cluster
If you are using toil, python 3 is required. Please install using Python 3.9 as done below:
Here we can use either virtualenv or conda. Here we will use conda.
Once you execute the above command you will see your bash prompt something on this lines:
Step 2: Clone the repository
Note: Change 3.0.4 to the latest stable release of the pipeline
Step 3: Install requirements using pip
We have already specified the version of cwltool and other packages in the requirements.txt file. Please use this to install.
Step 4: Check if you have singularity and nodejs for HPC
For HPC normally singularity is used for containers. Thus please make sure that is installed. For JUNO, you can do the following:
We also need to make sure nodejs is installed, this can be installed using conda:
Step 5: Generate an inputs file
Next, you must generate a proper input file in either json or yaml format.
For details on how to create this file, please follow this example (there is a minimal example of what needs to be filled in at the end of the page):
It's also possible to create and fill in a "template" inputs file using this command:
This may or may not work. We are not exactly sure why. But you can always use Rabix to generate the template input
Note: To see help for the inputs for cwl workflow you can use: toil-cwl-runner nucleo.cwl --help
Once we have successfully installed the requirements we can now run the workflow using cwltool/toil .
Step 6: Run the workflow
Your workflow should now be running on the specified batch system. See outputs for a description of the resulting files when is it completed.
Last updated
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