Notes for developers
Pull Requests
Please use the Git Flow model, with a feature branch based off the develop branch, for creating PRs to the GitHub repo
To increase the version number use the following command:
bumpversion (major|minor|patch) --tag
Releasing to PyPi and Conda
$ bumpversion (major|minor|patch) --tag
$ python sdist bdist_wheel
$ twine upload dist/*
$ conda skeleton pypi sequence-qc
Optional fixes for potential errors:
- Resolve ContextualVersionConflict
- Change "source: url" in meta.yaml to ""
$ conda build -c conda-forge -c bioconda sequence-qc
$ anaconda upload /Users/ianjohnson/miniconda3/conda-bld/osx-64/sequence-qc-0.1.12-py37_0.tar.bz2