Noise Calculation
Generate a pileup and noise QC metrics from a Bam file
Noise is calculated by looking at positions from the bed_file
, and setting the genotype for each position to the base with the highest count. Then, for positions where there is no alternate allele that exceeds threshold
, we divide the total number of non-genotype bases by the total number of bases.
ref_fasta (string)
Path to reference fasta which was used for mapping Bam
bam_file (string)
Path to Bam file for which to do calculation
output_prefix (string)
Prefix used for output files (normally a sample ID)
bed_file (string)
Path to bed file which contains regions for which to calculate noise
threshold (float)
This value will be used as a definition of "noisy" positions. For the default of 0.02
this means that only positions with alt alleles at less than 2% allele frequency will contribute to the major_allele_count and minor_allele_count.
truncate (bool)
If set to 1, bases from reads that only partially overlap the regions in bed_file
will be included in the calculation.
min_mapq (int)
Exclude reads with a lower mapping quality
min_basq (int)
Exclude reads with a lower base quality
Outputs Description
Pileup file of all positions listed in the bed filenoise_positions.tsv
Pileup file limited to positions with at least one alt allele below the noise thresholdnoise_acgt.tsv
Noise file with the following columns (calculated from single base changes, excluding N and deletions):
Taken from sample_id
Total number of bases below threshold that do not match the sample's genotype
Total number of bases from positions that meet threshold criteria that support the sample's genotype
divided by major_allele_count
Number of unique sites that contributed to the minor_allele_count
This file is identical tonoise_acgt
, however in this case N is used as the minor_allele and other base changes are ignorednoise_del.tsv
This file is identical tonoise_acgt
, however in this case deletions are used as the minor_allele and other base changes are ignorednoise.html
- HTML report with summary ofTop noisy positions with highest alt allele frequencies
Histogram of positions from
with each count of masked "N" bases
Calculation Details
For the overall noise level of the sample, a single valued is calculated over the regions listed in the bed_file
in the following manner:
Essentially, this means for every position which does not have any alt allele which exceeds the threshold, the noise level is the total count of alt bases as such positions, divided by the total number of bases at such positions. For the noise-by-substitution calculation, only the specified alternate allele contributes to the numerator and denominator of the noise fraction.
Plots Output
The module will output an HTML report with noise metrics, here is an example report file:
Noise By Substitution:
Uses the previously-defined calculation to express the noise level of this sample, for each of the 12 possible substitution types
Expected noise level is on the order of 10e-6 for ACCESS duplex and simplex samples
C>T and G>A noise levels are usually the highest
Top noisy positions:
The positions from the
are sorted by those with the highest noise fraction, and the top positions' noise fractions are plottedViolin plot represents all positions from the bed file, and is expected to have most positions on the low end, with some outliers closer to the supplied threshold
Fragment Size distribution for noisy positions:
A histogram of fragment sizes is plotted for reads that contain a "noisy" position (as defined previously)
Substitution types can be plotted individually by clicking the legend
N Counts Histogram:
Each position is counted for "N" or no-calls, and the number of positions with each N count is plotted as a histogram
ACCESS samples are expected to have a peak below 10 N's, although duplex and simplex samples will have a larger number of N bases than the original uncollapsed or "standard" bam files
Last updated
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